Geoengineering brought heavy rain and a brutal winter in late 1939.

Dr. Arnd Bernaerts
6 min readJan 28, 2021


First fell excessive rain then followed the coldest winter in one hundred years. The south-west of the U.S.A. and Europe fell suddenly prey to rain. Only 4 month later the Northern Hemisphere produce record freezing temperatures in the south-east of the U.S.A and in Europe up to Siberia. The huge rainfall was man-made, which resulted in record cold regions. Usual weather conditions were gone. The atmosphere had been deprived of air humidity due to war in the Far East and in Europe. Arctic conditions were established.

On September 1st, 1939 started with the Second World War (WWII) not only the greatest crime against humanity, but also the far-reaching experiment on weather and climate. Today one would categorize it as geoengineering. Because the madness cannot be reversed, but it remains unforgivable that the “experiment” has not yet been recognized and researched. In fact, the only global cooling in modern history commenced in autumn 1939 lasting until the mid-1970s.

The chain of upcoming weather changes began in September, mainly influenced by the war in Europe, with possible support from hostilities between Russia and Japan in the Far East, which may have contributed in particular to the record rainfall in the southwestern United States. First Europe, since this is where the most serious acts of war took place.

From the start there were thousands of devastating events across Europe every day. Today the newspapers would report on every single event for days. Here only three major war actions are mentioned.

The Case Poland: In September 1939 the Deutsche Reich overrun in a “Blitzkrieg” Poland with a substantial numeric advantage, with a German army (Heer) of two million personnel against a Polish army of one million. The Germans deployed more than 2’000 tanks, more than 1’000 fighter planes and 1’000 bombers. By mid-September Warsaw was encircled. The Red Army marched into Poland from the East. The days of the Polish Republic were numbered. The Nazis had deployed 5,000 planes in Poland (NYT, 25 Sept. 1939). On September 25, 1939, 240 German planes bombed Warsaw, dropping 560 tons of bombs, including the first 1,000 kg bomb. Meanwhile 1,000 batteries shelled the city. 30 transport aircraft dropped 70 tons of fire-bombs. Warsaw was on fire for many days. Poland surrendered. There was ashes from burning cities traveling eastward around the globe producing excessive rain elsewhere eventually even in Central Europe (see Book 2005, Chapter 2_31).

Naval Warfare: The first four war months alone are a huge ‘story’ with millions of incidents that had an impact on the sea-water structure in the regional seas and coastal water. Immediately the European navies employed more than 1’000 naval vessels with a total tonnage of 2.8 million, plus many hundred smaller naval vessels for mine-sweeping. But the real threat to the sea body came from shelling, depth-charges, and well above 100’000 sea-mines laid before the end of the year. Every day the Allies lost about two merchant vessels, or about 500’000 tons in four months (see Book 2005, Chapter 2_13ff).

Each incident cause changes to the temperature and salinity structure within the sea body and subsequently on the air condition above the sea surface, by increasing the evaporation process at sea. In autumn, these activities work like stirring the spoon in a hot coffee pot. The sea surface layer is turned over more often than usually. The warmer the surface layer, the more vapor and heat can be dissipated into the air. The agitation of the water by naval activities increased the evaporation rate on one hand, but on the other hand cooled down the water body more quickly. At first more rain, later lower air temperatures.

The Continental War Front:

At the Western Front between France and Germany more than 2 million soldiers where positioned. From the UK came further 161’000 troops, 24’000 vehicles an 140.000 tons. Although, neither big battles nor “shoot outs” occurred along the huge defence system along the river Rhine up to the Belgian border, everything was done to improve defence capabilities and to train and prepare the soldiers for the worst. Therefore both fronts were busy day and night with transportation, construction, surveys, training on land and in the air. The first substantial clash saw 700 French tanks moving seven miles over the Saarland border, while 300 airplanes attacked German positions in the city of Aachen’s industrial region and munitions area, some 125 miles further north, (NYT, Sept. 07, 1939), encounters which occurred frequently over the next months.

From September rainfall rose exceptionally from Wales to Austria. Many stations saw double digit numbers above the statistical averages, which increased up to 360% in October and November at several locations, see image on the left. Many regions became so much soaked with rain that in November 1939 Adolf Hitler gave up his plan (known as: “Deployment Instruction №1, Case Yellow”) to invade the Benelux countries and France before the end of the year. It is surprising that climate science is unable and unwilling to interpret and explain these weather extremes. After all, it is about understanding man-made climate change.

War in the Far East: Now a few words to the encounter between Russia and Japan in autumn 1939 (NYT, 17 September 1939). In late August 1939, the Red Army went with about 100,000 troops into combat with the Japanese Army comprising 70,000 soldiers (Kwantung Army) at Nomonham, a place on the border between Outer Mongolia and Manchuku. The Soviet relied on more than 400 tanks, 200 heavy guns, 400 armoured cars, 500–700 planes and several thousand tons of ammunition. Not less military equipment will have been available for the Kwantung Army, which eventually was the loser in this event with 20,000 men dead, when the truce was signed on September 16, (for more see: Book 2005, Chapter 2_33)

What a surprising coincident happened at the same time east wards. The US sun state had to cope with a number of weather caprioles during September with 370% above normal precipitation in California (Alabama, 119%; Arizona, 335%; Nevada 327%; Utah 261%). California experienced also an eight-day-long heat wave before a tropical storm, formerly a hurricane, hit Southern California. The up to 11 Beaufort strong wind had been the only tropical storm to make landfall in California in the twentieth century. The air pressure went down to 971mb, and the excessive rain caused heavy flooding, e.g. September records in Los Angeles (5.24 inches in 24 hours) and at Mount Wilson, 295mm/11.60inches). It was the heaviest September rain in Los Angeles’ weather history and it broke the worst heat wave in Weather Bureau records, as measured by intensity and duration, (NYT, Sept. 26, 1939). In November nine States got the driest month, in December three States the record warmest month, and in January the south-eat of the US recorder the coldest January in 117 years.

The temperature drop across Europe from December to February was much worst. In many regions the winter 1939/40 was the coldest for more than 100 years. Geoengineering had done an excellent job.



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