NYT: „The Coming California Megastorm“— without analyzing the exceptional September 1939.

Dr. Arnd Bernaerts
4 min readAug 17, 2022


The impressively presented NYT story: „The Coming California Megastorm“, (08/12/2022) warns:
California, where earthquakes, droughts and wildfires have shaped life for generations, also faces the growing threat of another kind of calamity, one whose fury would be felt across the entire state. This one will come from the sky.
According to new research……… atmospheric currents will pluck out a long tendril of water vapor and funnel it toward the West Coast. This vapor plume will be enormous…….When this torpedo of moisture reaches California, it will crash into the mountains and be forced upward. This will cool its payload of vapor and kick off weeks and waves of rain and snow.”

These conclusions have been taken from a new study, which was published in the journal Science Advances, Dr. Huang and Dr. Swain replayed portions of the 20th and 21st centuries using 40 simulations of the global climate. What

are 40 simulations of global climate worth, is they are not willing to show the they are able to analyses one of the most significant climatic events in California occurring in September 1939. Presumably for the first time observed, a former Hurricane hit the US west coast. After a heat wave came a major storm, releasing record precipitation. Even of more interest is the question, whether there was a link between the weather events in California and the war activities between Japan and Russia since 20the August in East-Asia, and in Europe since 1st September.

Only ten days before WWII started, on August 20, 1939, the Red Army with 100,000 troops went into combat with the Japanese Army comprised of 70,000 soldiers (Kwantung Army) at Nomonham, a place on the boarder between Outer Mongolia and Manchuku in fine weather (NYT, Sept.17, 1939). The Soviet forces had brought with them more than 400 tanks, 200 heavy guns, 400 armoured cars, 500–700 airplanes and several thousand tons of ammunition, shells and bombs to the Far East, over a distance of 3,000 kilometres. Presumably not less military equipment would have been available for the Kwantung Army, which eventually was the loser in this event with 20,000 men dead, when truce was signed on September 16. http://www.seaclimate.com/c/c4/c4.html

The war efforts in Europe had been several levels more severe. Only few days in war Warsaw was permanently bombed, burning for weeks, forcing Poland to surrender. In the first months of war against Poland, the German Army, Air Force and Navy with 10,000 guns, 3,600 armored vehicles, 1,900 aircraft, and dozens of warships and a force of more than 1,600,000 men had kicked up dust and ashes, which orbited the Earth during the coming weeks. http://www.seaclimate.com/c/c4/c4.html

(Full Text in NYT-PDF)

The massive war efforts in Europe and Manchuku inevitable have and an enormous impact on the entire Northern Hemisphere. Instead of going behind the likely links with the September weather in Californian, Dr. Swain and Dr. Huang looked at all the month-long California storms that took place during two time segments in the simulations, one in the recent past and the other in a future with high global warming, and chose one of the most intense events from each period. That is defiantly not enough for reliable science, because September 1939 was too special for California that it should be submerge in statistics.

The unanswered question until today is what role that place at that time, and the contribution of war activities in China and Europe, due to the excessive release of condensation nuclei, contributed to the weather extremes in California. Much too extraordinary and seldom was the situation that caused high precipitation during September with 370% above normal in California (Alabama, 119%; Arizona, 335%; Nevada 327%; Utah 261%).

California experienced an eight-day-long heat wave since about September 16th before a tropical storm, formerly a hurricane, hit Southern California, at San Pedro early on the 25th with winds of severe gale force. The up to 11 Beaufort strong winds were the only tropical storm to make landfall in California in the twentieth century. The air pressure went down to 971 mb, and the excessive rain caused heavy flooding, e.g. September records in Los Angeles (5.24 inches in 24 hours) and at Mount Wilson, 295mm/11.60inches). It was the heaviest September rain in Los Angeles’ weather history and it broke the worst heat wave in Weather Bureau records, as measured by intensity and duration. (NYT, Sept. 26, 1939). http://www.seaclimate.com/c/c4/c4.html

The ‘timing’ between excessive rain in Europe and the dry months in the United States is a perfect indication of the relationship between both events. Any ‘interchange’ between dry and wet air takes its time. A dry or humid air body can exist from up to several days to a few weeks. An ‘air body’ needs a couple of weeks to circle the Northern Hemisphere.

The warning about the „The Coming California Megastorm“, would bring more hindsight and understanding, if science would do what they should have done since September 1939, explaining thoroughly what caused the special September 1939 in California, and whether the war in Europe and East-Asia contributed or had had nothing to do with it.

NYT: „The Coming California Megastorm“(08/12/2022): https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/08/12/climate/california-rain-storm.html?action=click&module=Well&pgtype=Homepage&section=Climate%20and%20Environment



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